We all took a weekend trip away to Quincy, Michigan to celebrate Grandma Kranz's birthday at Marble Lake. We had high aspirations, good intentions... we prepared quite a bit- made lists & checked them twice, etc., etc.
However, it is one thing to envision yourself embarking on this adventure, and it is another to experience it! The very worst part is the packing and organizing. Three little boys require so much stuff- the bottles, the pump, the clothes, the diapers, the travel swings (they nap in them), the carriers, the pain reliever, rash cream, eczema cream, etc. We decided to stay in a hotel instead of the cottage. We just felt it would be easier on everyone, as we still get up in the middle of the night with Cameron & I pump then, too. While it was easier once we got to the hotel to go to sleep, the packing and unpacking to go back and forth was killer. If only we had two of everything! I couldn't keep straight where everything was & when we would need it, all hell would break loose for a minute until mommy could find it.
Friday night, we kept Corbin up too late, and we mistakenly thought that he would just be tired. He wasn't. He was exhausted, but he showed it by running around the house like a crazy boy instead of cuddling up somewhere. He crashed when we got to the hotel, but that was at 1:00 AM! We kept him in bed with us & he slept like a rock. I had no idea how truly sound of a sleeper he is until we slept next to him. If you wake him, he's like a teenager. He just wants to shut his eyes again, so stop interrupting his sleep, darnit! Both days he slept in until 8 AM or later, so that was good.
Corbin was also quite a hit with the bigger kids. They were quizzing him with reading and saying words. Corbin was eating it up. That kid loves to interact with the big kids.
Jameson got two bottom teeth while we were there, too. That must be the reason he has turned into a night owl. He likes to stay up until Mommy & Daddy go to bed every night, which is around 11 or 12. Every. night. It doesn't give us much alone time, which is a shame. There are so many kid-free things I would like to be doing, but alas, our time will come later, I guess. The nice thing about Jamie is that he also sleeps like a rock. He's also quite a peach during the day.
Cameron was good, too. He has been waking once or twice in the night, then he takes a couple sips from a bottle & goes right back to sleep. We might try not feeding him in the middle of the night soon to see how it goes. Maybe a pacifier would have the same effect. He's obviously not needing that half an ounce overnight to keep him full or anything. He is also getting another tooth right now, so he will soon have 2 in his mouth (and that one in the keepsake treasure chest).
While it was really nice to see everyone at the cottage, that's truly about all that I did was see everyone. I can count the conversations I had on one hand, I think. Mostly, I was just asking people to hold a baby while I took care of something! Jon did get to play a little poker though, and I did have some retail therapy of my own. Grandma seemed to like her present & I know she enjoyed seeing the kids.
We did cancel our trip to Florida. It's just too much stress on Jon & I right now, and we really don't like being at each other's throats. We really hope to get to the lake this summer & we are making plans to reschedule Florida in November when the twins are over a year old. And I think we will attempt flying at that point in time.