Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cam's Surgery

Cam had his eye surgery yesterday. He had his medial rectus eye muscles cut so that his eyes will hopefully not cross anymore. He will still need his glasses.

We got to Children's Hospital at 7:30 and got admitted for his surgery at 9:30. Grandma Mary babysat for us so that we old both be there.

We entertained him with the iPad in pre-op.

They gave him some medicine to help relax him, and we saw him off while he was being wheeled away to the OR.

The surgery was 40 minutes, and it went well.

We took him home and put him right to sleep in our bed. We took turns laying with him. When he woke up a couple of hours later, he was cranky, but no longer tired.

He slept a continuous 13 hours that night. This morning, his eyes were less puffy and slightly less red. He was back to normal personality-wise, and he did not seem drowsy from the anesthesia any longer.

Here is a picture of him this morning- looking good!

Post Christmas Toledo Trip

As much as we appreciated being in our own home for Christmas, we missed visiting family in Toledo, too. We took a trip up this past weekend to see Grandma and Grandpa.

We met up with everyone at BW3, where the kids can be loud and we can all relax and have a nice time.

Grandma was playing hand games with the boys. They loved it!

Then we went back to Dad and Judy's house to hang out and have some coffee and conversation.

The twins were playing all over the house, but we were able to briefly contain them to the kitchen, where I took a couple of pics of them on this sitting bench.

When they started to get really fussy, we entertained them with electronics. They skipped their naps that day so that we could socialize.

After that, we stopped by Grandma Kay and Grandpa Boyd's to see them before they headed out for a dinner.

Cam really took to this top.

The boys were really interested in Grandpa's study this time. They loved the exercise bike.

Little Maestro, Jamie

Cam saw this musical chipmunk and loved it. Grandma ended up letting him have it. The whole ride home, we heard "Let it Snow," which it sings in an annoying voice.

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful Christmas at home this year. After all of the running around and exhaustion last year, Jon and I agreed that it was too much right now, at this age of the children. His family was very understanding, thankfully.

We had our first Christmas celebration at Jon's brother's house with Grandpa Rick and Grandma Judy. Grandpa really wanted a pic of all 5 boys, so I tried to take a pic. Unfortunately, I was a little shaky, so the pic came out a bit blurry. But it is better than nothing, I suppose!

and here they are with Grandpa Rick!

The boys really enjoyed their gifts, and it was great to spend time with the newlyweds (congrats Dad and Judy!) The twins really got into opening presents this year.

That night, Great Grandma Kay and Great Grandpa Boyd came into town. We all met up at the Mellow Mushroom for yummy pizza and conversation. The boys all did so great while we were out.

The next morning, we were back at the house to open gifts with them. Some highlights were Corbin getting MagnaTiles and the twins opening Rock n Roll Mickey and Lets Rock Elmo.

Then we all went out to eat at Max and Ermas, where the boys did well, but mostly just drank chocolate milk.

On Christmas Eve morning, we celebrated with Jon's sister and her boyfriend. We tried again to get the 5 boys' pictures together.

We had a great time visiting. Then later that night, we had appetizers and played games. Jon's mom and Dusty joined us this year, and we had a great time with them. We had our usual bad-pun Bingo night and also played LCR.

Christmas morning, the boys got up around 7. They were excited to see what Santa left for them.

Christmas morning goofiness!

The twins loved playing with their new robot kitties. Here they are combing their fur.

Corbin got a new bike! He was so excited when he saw it that he lost his footing. Twice! Avery helps show him how to ride it.

The day after Christmas was very mild weather, so we took the boys outside. Corbin loved his new bike!

Here are the twins playing with their new trampoline, and me playing with my fish eye lens

I got some new camera equipment for Christmas. Here I am playing with some new bokeh lens shapes.

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