Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Month & 2 3/4 yr Updates

It's been nearly a month since I last updated. I really have no excuses- we've been home for the last month. I guess I have just been remembering to update Facebook & accidentally neglecting the blog; however, Facebook won't save my updates so that I can print them off later. This blog is like their baby books!

Corbin is still progressing with reading and writing. He knows about 300 words- perhaps more. He surprises me all of the time with the words he has learned. All of a sudden, I will look over at his sheet of paper that he's been working on & he will have written, "Squeeze" or attempted to write "Zucchini" (one "C" short, but hey). I found a book of new level 3 readers at Sam's Club a couple of weeks ago & he absolutely loves those books, even though they have creepy characters that speak like robots. Easy Reader Books

Corbin ran his eye into a table the other day while at some friends' house. At first, we thought the eye was bleeding, but it turns out that it was just external- right on the corner of his eye.


He is doing great in his big boy bed & sleeps all night, just like he did in his crib.

Cameron's next tooth popped shortly after my last post- his upper left central incisor. A couple of days later, his upper right central incisor popped. About a week and a half ago, his upper left lateral incisor came through, and a couple of days ago, his upper right lateral incisor popped through. That could explain why he is still waking in the middle of the night. We had done a trial of separating the twins into different rooms & during that time, Cameron slept through the night. It lasted about a week. The night before we switched them back, he started waking once again. I tried to give him less formula when he woke, and he wasn't having it. He acts like he's starving, so I have been giving him the bottle again. Maybe I will try and wean him again, since it did work great the first time.

He seems to have completely beaten his constipation habit. The trick for us was yogurt. It seems to really keep him regular.

He is still pulling up on everything & his balance is getting better and better. He is extremely clumsy, though. He falls on his face at least once daily. Poor kid. Thankfully, we haven't scheduled our family pictures yet.

He has learned to shake his head no recently. Here's his 10 month photo:


Jameson has been pulling up on things for about 3 weeks. He has the better balance of the two. I catch him trying to stand independently every once and a while. He loves to dance & is very happy-go-lucky.

Jamie is working on one or two molars. He hasn't cut any teeth in a while, and I think he will be working on those molars for quite a bit.

He has mastered waving hi, and loves to show it off. Here is his 10 month photo:


Both babies are eating mushy table foods cut into pea-sized bites. They both are working on clapping. They are still taking 2 naps- usally from 8:30-10:30 (sometimes 11) and from 1:30-3:30. One thing remains the same- they are certainly keeping us busy.

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing that Corbin is writing words! I don't know how you do it all. You are a great Mum.


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