Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Marble Lake

We had such a nice time at the Kranz family weekend this past weekend. It is a time we get together annually to celebrate Grandma Kranz's birthday in Coldwater, Michigan.

This year, the twins were already out of cribs, so we didn't need to drag the pack n plays up there. We all stayed in a hotel in Coldwater, right down the street from the cabin. We went up a full day ahead of time so that we could be adjusted to it and we could have a full day to swim in the pool. Everything was extremely convenient for us with lots of familiar restaurants nearby, a free breakfast in the mornings where we could set up camp in the lobby and feed everyone, and an indoor pool right across the hall from us. The boys were complete angels about going to sleep every night. Jon slept in a queen with Corbin and I slept in another queen with the twins. We were all out in minutes, except for Saturday night, when Jon snuck out after the kids were down to play poker (and I got a really good 11 hours of solid sleep!)

Here is a pic of the boys getting ready to go to the pool. They were all so brave this year! Cameron and Corbin swim in their floaties on their own, but Jamie still prefers to hang out on the steps.

We had a great time at the cottage itself. We didn't go to Toledo for Christmas this past year, so it had been a while since we had seen everyone.

On Friday night, we just relaxed. Corbin played with the big kids and the twins kind of just hung out with everyone. Here they are sitting with Grandma.

Uncle Jeff brought this whiteboard for everyone to play Pictionary on. It also served as an art centerpiece on the first night.

Just hanging out...

On Saturday, some of the girls went shopping at the outlet mall. It was strange because I had underpacked severely, so I had a really nice excuse to join everyone.

The kids had a lot of fun playing with all of the games in the cottage. The dominoes and the iPads were big hits with the kids this year, as was Pictionary with the entire family.

Playing around on Saturday

Happy 86th birthday, Grandma!

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