Monday, April 16, 2012

April 2012: Flowers, Accidents, Easter, etc.

The boys, Jon and I have been having a great spring for the most part. The weather has been mostly mild and we have been getting out to play quite a bit. We took a couple of trips to the zoo during spring break. The boys really enjoyed it, especially the playground. They really wear themselves out there!

Easter was fun. We hyped up he Easter Bunny this year, so he kids were very excited about Easter morning. We went to church on Saturday night so that we could enjoy the whole day without rushing around. Unfortunately, I don't have photos from the egg hunt or dinner, but I do have a few pictures. Sunday morning, they were so excited to go through their Easter baskets.

Then we had an egg hunt with plastic eggs "hidden" all over the yard. They loved it! They collected about 40 eggs and came inside to open them all up- stickers, chocolates and jelly beans!

Then we had my family over for Easter brunch. The kids took a late nap and crashed hard!

Speaking of crashing, we have had our share of accidents and illnesses this spring. Corbin, Jamie and I had pink eye, Corbin's asthma is acting up, Jamie ran into the deck and got a huge scrape on his forehead, and Cam somehow got his neck wedged under the trampoline and the kids were jumping on it! I about had a heart attack! Thankfully, he escaped injury. He got lots of extra hugs.

Jamie, Cam and I have been picking dandelions while we wait for Corbin to be done with therapy. Jamie loves to hoard them and Cam likes to pick them apart.

Corbin has been very into music lately. He loves to watch videos, learn the lyrics to songs, the album titles, etc. He has an IPod in his room with a playlist that he has committed to memory. Some of his favorites are Michael Jackson, Maroon 5, and Justin Bieber.

I leave you with a few more photos o the boys. They are growing so quickly!

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