Monday, November 21, 2011

Corbin Turns 4!

Corbin's fourth birthday was yesterday!

He woke up around 7 & we opened his presents from us right away. He got a occupation/alphabet puzzle, a laminated map of the United States that we hung in his room and a large set of Lincoln Logs.

Then we ate birthday pancakes, which are made from cake mix and served with frosting and sprinkles. I might has well have given everyone cereal, because everyone only ate a couple of bites, like usual. I figured it would be different if I served cake for breakfast. Guess not!

Later, we had Corbin's birthday party at the Kingdom of Bounce. We invited all of MOMS Club, all of his classmates and a few other friends. We had 20 guests show up, plus our 3 kids, so it was a full party!

It was so fun to watch the kids bouncing around and having fun. At first, the twins (especially Cameron) were intimidated by the noise and the crowd, but they quickly warmed up. Corbin had a look of pure joy on his face for the entirety of the party. It sure was sweet to see him light up like that.

When we got home, he opened up all of his presents. He was so excited to see games, crafts, art supplies and other fun toys. We spent most of today playing with all of the new stuff. He is really enjoying the games, which is wonderful!

Here are a few pics from the party yesterday.

This little girl's name is Elliana

We couldn't convince Corbin to sit in the Birthday Throne and pose, but we were able to get Jamie and Ethan to do it!

Playing with presents!

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