Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Updates on the Boys




We just pulled out all of the spring clothing for everyone & it got me thinking about how quickly time is flying by. I thought I would take a moment to document all of the things the boys are doing these days.

Corbin is my super-smarty. I only have to teach him something once & he's already repeating it the next minute. He is starting to get the hang of communicating lately, too. He's asking for things that he would like to do. Unfortunately, he is learning that we won't serve him "ice cream cake" every night for dinner, although he is more than welcome to indulge in "more strawberries please."

Speaking of strawberries, I was thrilled the other day when he tried a new food. He is loving freeze-dried strawberries from Trader Joe's. That is a wonderful thing, since he is so stuck on not trying anything new. In case you are curious as to what he will eat, there aren't many options in his mind: chicken nuggets (bbq sauce, ketchup or sweet 'n sour sauce), grilled cheese, PB & J, pizza, pureed veggies, freeze dried strawberries, watermelon, banana, chocolate slimfast shakes with peanut butter, toast, any cookie/crackery/dry cereal thing, and freeze dried mango, too.

He is now wearing 2T, with the help from dapper snappers, and size 7 shoes.

He loves his cat, ignores his brothers and loves attention from his mom & dad.

He naps nearly every day now, after a long period of no napping for a while. Naps are 1-3 hours in length.

He wakes up around 7 am every day & goes to bed around 8 pm. He always sleeps through the night. If he were to wake up early or stay up late in his crib, he never fusses. He will just talk to himself or sing.

He sings so many songs now. His favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Cameron is our night/day baby. For the most part, he is very sweet; however, if he is hungry, he will screech like a banshee. You've never heard a screech like this one! He has big doe eyes that flirt with everyone. They are starting to turn brown. He lost most of his hair & it is now growing back, a shade lighter than it was at birth.

He is 14 lbs and 10 oz as of last week. He is on reflux medicine because he was arching. He (and his brother) hardly ever spit up. You could count the number of times on one hand. His arching is much better on the medicine.

He loves to jump in the jumperoo. He is a very good jumper & gets so excited in it.

He takes good naps during the day for the most part, but he still wakes every 3-4 hours at night. We can cut down the number of times he awakens at night if we pull him into bed with us. He loves to sleep next to us.

He is a tummy sleeper. Thank goodness we have a motion sensor, or I would worry all night long. He flips right over to his tummy, even if you lay him down asleep on his back.

He loves his teething giraffe, Sofie. He just has that one giant tooth (the other was pulled), but he is getting more in soon.

Both twins are in size 6 month clothing.

Jameson is mostly mellow. He does get cranky more often during the day now, but it is directly related to the fact that he doesn't like to nap during the day. Getting him to do so is a real chore. It is easy to coax him to sleep if I lay down with him, but with 2 other children that need cared for, it isn't a real possibility during the day. So some days, it is pretty hard to keep him happy if he just can't be convinced that he needs to nap.

He sleeps mostly through the night, although lately, he has taken to waking up once around 4 or 5 & then goes right back down.

His hair is starting to grow back. It is slightly lighter than Cameron's. His eyes are still light blue in color.

He thinks everything is hilarious, especially if you are changing his diaper & are right up in his face.

Stationary entertainment toys do not keep him busy for long. He loves to be held & would be quiet all day if I held him.

He is teething. He has the two bottom teeth still, and it seems like he is going to get his top two at the same time & sooner than Cameron will.

I do not know how much he weighs since I sold our baby scale & he hasn't been to the doctor since his 4 month appointment, but I would guess he is a good 16 pounds.

So, there is our update for now. I hope to do these periodically for the ol' record keeping.

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