And Corbin had so much fun finding that Elf every day! In fact, he is still hiding in our house, spying for next year. We just haven't had the heart to stop hiding him. As soon as he bounds into the kitchen every morning, he squeals, "Let's go find the Elf!" and then he is so proud and happy when he finds him.
Christmas Eve and morning was spent in our home. We had our annual Christmas Eve traditions of Bingo and eating appetizers. We tracked Santa all day, sang karaoke Christmas tunes with Corbin & left cookies out for Santa this year (although Corbin paid no attention to that detail).
Christmas morning was fun, although Cameron woke with a fever.
Here is Corbin's reaction this year to all of the presents that Santa left him under the tree:
Here are the boys opening and enjoying some new gifts. They are so lucky!
Here is a pic of poor Cameron that morning
After our Christmas morning, Jon and I packed up while the twins took a nap & then we headed to Toledo for the Kranz Christmas party. They all were thrilled with Grandpa Rick's main present to them: a homemade Duplo/Lego table!
Here are the kids awaiting the distribution of the great grandparents' gifts to them:
And here is Jamie, enjoying his new owl, Turner. He loves stuffed animals!
The next morning, we celebrated Christmas with Grandpa Rick, Judy & Jon's brother and sister.
Then we went to Grandma Kathy's house to celebrate with her, after the twins had their morning nap. Most of the pics from there didn't turn out for whatever reason, but here is a pic of Corbin and his cousin Ethan.
Then we went to dinner that evening to their Great Grandparent Montgomery's house. It was the year for Jon's cousins to travel to Ohio, so we got to see everyone in one spot.
Playing some piano...
Singin' in the Rain...
An adorable pic of Cam and Great-Grandpa
And before bed on Sunday evening, Corbin sat in Grandpa Rick's lap for a while playing with this writing toy. He was purposefully answering questions incorrectly & then giggling when the toy would scold him for it. LOL
Whew! I got this post in just before the new year started.
2010 was great! Here's to a very happy 2011!
What a BUSY time you all had. I love the Lego table. That rocks.